Responding to a Major Environmental Issue As a Chef

There are many environmental issues that concern everyone nowadays. Many of these problems are basically caused by human activities. Unfortunately, there are some things that you cannot altogether avoid doing. For instance, you cannot totally avoid driving your car. You cannot altogether cease using water or energy. However, there are some things that you can do in order to reduce potential environmental threats. You can deal with one major environmental issue after another. What is important is that you know these problems.

A Chef’s Major Environmental Issue

In truth, all environmental worries concern chefs. No major environmental issue is more important than the others. Of course, there are some problems that probably affect chefs more than others, but this does not change the fact that chefs need to be concern about the environment. They need to do their part in ensuring environmental health.

There are so many problems that concern you as a chef. Of course, all of these problems concern everyone. Some of these problems include global warming, bizarre and erratic climate changes, genetic erosion, habitat destruction, species extinction, coral bleaching, whaling, energy conservation, efficient use of energy, renewable energy, commercialization of renewable energy, genetically engineered pollution, irrigation, meat production, overgrazing, desertification, land pollution, soil erosion, soil conservation, soil contamination, nuclear power, pollution and all its kinds, ozone depletion, natural resources depletion, blast fishing, bottom trawling, illegal logging, deforestation, waste disposal and burials.

No major environmental issue demands more attention than the others. All of these things are your concern. Of course, as a chef, you can only do so much. You can only respond and correct those that are within your immediate control.

Responding to One Major Environmental Issue after Another

The first thing that you have to do in order to respond to environmental problems is to decide to go green. It may seem daunting because this will require lifestyle modifications, but you will eventually adapt to the changes. To make it easier for you, you can start with the simplest things first.

For instance, you can start with changing your light. Use fluorescent bulbs in your kitchen and at home. If everyone will simply choose to change his or her bulbs, just imagine the impact this would create on a major environmental issue. This would significantly reduce pollution. If you have a restaurant, you can still use fluorescent bulbs to create a warm atmosphere.

There are also several things that you can do in the kitchen in order to help resolve a major environmental issue – energy and water wastage. Adopt these activities and make them a habit. You will certainly save water if you will forego rinsing the dishes before you put them in the dishwasher. You will save gallons of water by avoiding rinsing. You will also save a lot of time and energy. As a chef, you call the shots. If you want to help save the environment, then adopt this practice.

Another way to respond to this major environmental issue is to avoid unnecessary kitchen activities like pre-heating the oven. Unless, you are going to bake breads or pastries, you should avoid pre-heating the oven. You can just simply turn it on when you place the dish inside. You will also save energy if you will avoid opening the oven’s door every time you check the dish or the food. It is advisable, therefore, to equip your kitchen with an oven with a window, so you can always just peer through the window whenever you have to check the food.

If you are in charge of menu planning, perhaps you should create a vegetarian day where you will obviously only serve vegetarian meals or dishes. This is a great way to conserve water. Imagine how many gallons of water are needed in order to produce a pound of beef. You basically need about 2,000 gallons of water for one pound. Imagine how much water you would save by devoting one day to vegetables.

Now if you have to purchase vegetables, you should definitely go organic. You will certainly address more than one major environmental issue if you choose to go organic with your purchases. It is also advisable to buy from the local market. Not only will you support the economy but you will also help in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

There are still so many things that you can do as a chef in order to help improve the environment. The little things you do in order to respond to a major environmental issue matter.

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Environmental Issues – They Concern Chefs As Well!

It has not probably escaped your notice that environmental issues have captured people’s interest. You can probably say that this is not surprising considering the fact that people are finally experiencing the effects of decades of environmental abuse. Mother Nature is indeed lashing back. Environmental debates are fairly common these days. Being a chef does not excuse you, however, from getting involved. You create your own ecological footprints and you are accountable for them.

Environmental issues generally fall under three categories — bizarre global climate changes, excessive use of resources, improper waste management.

Bizarre Global Climate Changes

There are numerous environmental issues but the one thing that you have likely heard people talking about is the bizarre climate that the whole world is experiencing. The effects of these weird climate changes have caused devastating damages, taking lives and properties. Unfortunately, there are many factors that contribute to climate change. Many of these factors are largely created by man.

Excessive and Abusive Use of Environmental Resources

There are many environmental issues that fall under this category. You have deforestation, land degradation and land being stripped off of fossil fuels. These three are just some of the many problems that arise from abusive use of environmental resources.

Improper Waste Management

Many environmental issues have resulted from people’s inability to manage their waste or trash properly. This category basically embraces all kinds of pollutions caused by humans which include air, water and land pollution.

Resolving Environmental Issues Your Way

It’s certainly a good thing that many people are getting involved in correcting environmental issues. As a chef, you can do a lot of things in order to reverse the damage that has been done to the environment. You can make positive contributions. Being environmentally friendly does not end with disposing potato peelings properly. As a leader, you can influence people to be more environmentally conscious.

Adopt an Environmental Cause

If you own your restaurant, you can get your staff or employees to volunteer for environmental causes. Since you are working in the food industry, perhaps you can get your employees to volunteer for a food feeding program.

You can also adopt environmental programs and support them. For instance, you can adopt a program which aims to provide clear water to many places in Africa or you can support one project that is designed to protect the rainforest in the Amazons. Support any environmental conservation schemes. Try to raise funds if you can in order to support a conservation program.


Another way of helping the environment is to adopt a recycling program in your workplace. You should also make sure that you get recyclable supplies. If you are going to purchase disposable dishware, you should get recyclable or biodegradable ones. Encourage your staff or employees to do the same.

Cut Back on Gas Consumption

There are also various ways of cutting back on gas consumption. You can also get your employees involved in your save-your-gas scheme. You can offer incentives to employees who choose to leave their cars at home. In fact, this method is proving effective among hospitality entrepreneurs. Aside from encouraging your staff to take the bus, you can also get them to set up a carpool system.

Another way of saving gas and cutting back on delivery expenses is to impose minimum order requirement. This will discourage small deliveries and unnecessary use of gas.

Prefer Local Producers

The food service industry has finally recognized that they have a social responsibility to support local producers within their community. If you choose to purchase products from local farmers, not only will you be able to help the local economy, you will also help in minimizing environmental wastages.

Spread the Word

You need to spread environmental consciousness. You can start with the people around you — your employees perhaps. Challenge people to care. Over time, you will eventually get people involved. Employ people who are environmentally conscious — people who purchase organic products and who boast of eco-friendly practices.

You can also train your staff and teach them how to be more eco-friendly. After all, you will reap the benefits as well. You will likely notice a considerable decrease in energy consumption once your staff learns how to conserve energy.

You can also spread the word and influence your guests, customers and clients. You can offer rewards or incentives to guests who adopt eco-friendly measures in order to address environmental issues. You don’t have to stop with your employees. Ideally, the more people you educate, the better it will be for the environment.

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